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Introduction to Digital Libraries

Edward Fox


This tutorial is a thorough and deep introduction to the Digital Libraries (DL) field, providing a firm foundation: covering key concepts and terminology, as well as services, systems, technologies, methods, standards, projects, issues, and practices. It introduces and builds upon a firm theoretical foundation (starting with the '5S' set of intuitive aspects: Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, Societies), giving careful definitions and explanations of all the key parts of a 'minimal digital library', and expanding from that basis to cover key DL issues. Illustrations come from a set of case studies, including from multiple current projects, including with webpages, tweets, and social networks. Attendees will be exposed to four Morgan and Claypool books that elaborate on 5S, published 2012--2014. Complementing the coverage of 5S will be an overview of key aspects of the DELOS Reference Model and activities. Further, new material will be added on building digital libraries using container and cloud services, on developing a digital library for electronic theses and dissertations, and methods to integrate UX and DL design approaches.


Publication Details

Date of publication: July 31, 2020

Conference: ACM ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

Page number(s): 567–568


Issue Number:

Publication Note: Edward A. Fox, William A. Ingram: Introduction to Digital Libraries. JCDL 2020: 567-568