JinYi Yoon
Headshot of JinYi Yoon

JinYi Yoon is a postdoctoral associate, working with Bo Ji, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and affiliate faculty at the Sanghani Center.
She received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Ewha Womans University, Korea. She was selected as a presidential postdoctoral fellow of Virginia Tech in February 2024.
Yoon has broad interests in the intersections of Edge Networks and AI: Edge for AI (including on-device AI; distributed/federated/split learning; and networks for AI); and AI for Edge (including AI-driven/powered/native networked systems; network security; explainable AI for edge; and AI-empowered localization).
She has authored in primary venues regarding these areas such as ECCV, INFOCOM, SECON, GLOBECOM, ICC, IoT-J, TVT, etc.
While most current work in AI is focused on performance such as accuracy, she is addressing the practical problems of resource, placement, latency, or network issues when using or deploying AI models in user-side.
Yoon is also mentoring several graduate students and participating in several works of resource-efficient multi-modal LLMs; video-based multi-modal learning; privacy-preserving split learning; and privacy and security in XR/AR/VR.