Consistent video depth estimation
Jia-Bin Huang
We present an algorithm for reconstructing dense, geometrically consistent depth for all pixels in a monocular video. We leverage a conventional structure-from-motion reconstruction to establish geometric constraints on pixels in the video. Unlike the ad-hoc priors in classical reconstruction, we use a learning-based prior, i.e., a convolutional neural network trained for single-image depth estimation. At test time, we fine-tune this network to satisfy the geometric constraints of a particular input video, while retaining its ability to synthesize plausible depth details in parts of the video that are less constrained. We show through quantitative validation that our method achieves higher accuracy and a higher degree of geometric consistency than previous monocular reconstruction methods. Visually, our results appear more stable. Our algorithm is able to handle challenging hand-held captured input videos with a moderate degree of dynamic motion. The improved quality of the reconstruction enables several applications, such as scene reconstruction and advanced video-based visual effects.
Publication Details
Date of publication: July 07, 2020
Journal: ACM Transactions on Graphics
Page number(s): 71:1-71:13
Volume: 39
Issue Number: 4
Publication Note: Xuan Luo, Jia-Bin Huang, Richard Szeliski, Kevin Matzen, Johannes Kopf: Consistent video depth estimation. ACM Trans. Graph. 39(4): 71 (2020)