Xuan Wang
Xuan Wang joined the Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science as an assistant professor in Spring 2023 and is core faculty at the Sanghani Center.
Wang's primary research interests are in the fields of natural language processing and data mining. She is specifically interested in developing principled data-driven approaches with light human effort for effective and scalable model learning.
Her current projects include text mining with weak supervision; text-augmented knowledge graph reasoning; graph-enhanced text representation learning; AI for science; and AI for healthcare.
As a graduate student, she was a research intern at IBM Watson Research. She was a recipient of the 2021 NAACL Best Demo Paper Award.
Wang received her Ph.D. in computer science and two master's degrees, one in statistics and one in biochemistry, from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She received a bachelor’s degree in biological science from Tsinghua University, China.