Publications authored with Maoyuan Sun
Maoyuan Sun, Hao Wu, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chris North
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25 10: 2983-2998, 07/2018
Citatations: BibTeX
Maoyuan Sun, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chris North
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Visualisation, (pp 246-250), 12/2019
Citatations: BibTeX
Maoyuan Sun, Peng Mi, Nikolaj Tatti, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chris North
In ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 12 1: 1-34, 01/2018
Citatations: BibTeX
Xin Chen, Jessica Zeitz Self, Leanna L. House, John Wenskovitch, Maoyuan Sun, Nathan Wycoff, Scotland C. Leman, Chris North
In IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 11 1: 81-95, 09/2017
Citatations: BibTeX
Hao Zhang, Maoyuan Sun, Chris North
In Proceedings of the ACM ACM International Workshop on International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics, (pp ), 03/2015
Citatations: BibTeX
Xin Chen, Jessica Zeitz Self, Maoyuan Sun, Leanna L. House, Chris North
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS), (pp ), 10/2016
Citatations: BibTeX
Peng Mi, Maoyuan Sun, Moeti Masiane, Chris North
In Informatics, 3 4: 23, 12/2016
Citatations: BibTeX
Peng Mi, Maoyuan Sun, Moeti Masiane, Chris North
In Informatics, 3 4: 18, 10/2016
Citatations: BibTeX
Maoyuan Sun, Peng Mi, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
In IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22 1: 310-319, 01/2016
Citatations: BibTeX
Patrick Fiaux, Maoyuan Sun, Lauren Bradel, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan, Alex Endert
In Computer, 46 8: 90--94, 08/2013
Citatations: BibTeX
Maoyuan Sun, Lauren Bradel, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (pp ), 05/2014
Citatations: BibTeX