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Left to right: Hesham Rakha and Huthaifa Ashqar work on a simulation of speed harmonization algorithm on I-66 using INTEGRATION; Scotland Leman and Matt Slifko discuss spatial relationships in the housing market.[/caption] New interdisciplinary certificate in urban computing, part of

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Research Traineeship

UrbComp Program

, is now available to all

Virginia Tech

graduate students. Administered through the Discovery Analytics Center, the 12-credit certificate program weaves interdisciplinary applications through new courses and a novel “tapestry” curriculum. These courses are designed to train students to become competent problem solvers by developing computational models of urban populations from disparate data sources and posing and answering what-if questions via machine learning and visualization methodologies. Students are also trained in the ethical and professional implications of working with massive datasets.  Click


to read more about the certificate.