DAC Ph.D. student Rupinder Paul Khandpur invited to speak at CyCon
June 8, 2017
, a DAC Ph.D student in computer science, was invited to speak to a group of analysts at the
2017 International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon). The conference, held in Tallinn, Estonia, focused on the fundamental aspects of cyber security with a theme of Defending the Core.
Khandpur’s presentation discussed how to use open source indicators such as Twitter to rank both cyber and physical threats. Khandpur’s research concentrates on applied data sciences with an emphasis on event forecasting, threat analytics, and narrative generation using open source data. He was part of the team working on
EMBERS, an IARPA OSI (Open Source Indicators) project aimed at forecasting significant societal events (disease outbreaks, civil unrest, elections) from open source datasets. He earned a master’s degree in computational biology from Carnegie Mellon University. CyCon is organized by the
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. Every year, more than 500 decision-makers and experts from government, military, and industry from all over the world approach the conference’s key theme from legal, technology, and strategy perspectives, often in an interdisciplinary manner.