Center for American Progress report cites Discovery Analytics Center collaboration with commonwealth of Virginia as example of improving workforce data
August 15, 2017

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People walk through the Oculus at the World Trade Center in New York, June 16, 2017.[/caption] A Center for American Progress report on using open data standards to enhance the quality and availability of online job postings has highlighted the Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s
Commonwealth Consortium for Advanced Research and Statistics (CCARS)and its work with the Discovery Analytics Center at Virginia Tech to develop the
Open Data, Open Jobs Initiative. The goal of the pilot was to capture and publish a real-time structured data feed of all online job postings in Virginia that would serve as a proof of concept.
The dataset was created in large part by Ph.D. student Rupinder Paul Khandpur, who was also in the governor’s data internship program. Read the Center for American Progress report