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Welcome to AI Matters 6(1)

Anuj Karpatne 


This issue is smaller than usual as a reflection to the disruptions caused by the on-going COVID-19 pandemic on the scientific community. We open with a call for funding by SIGAI Executive Committe Chair, Sanmay Das, to support AI activities promoting outreach. In our regular articles, we provide an event report by Michael Albert and John P Dickerson on the AAAI/ACM SIGAI Job Fair. In the policy column, Larry Medsker and Farhana Faruqe cover a new series on AI and Bias on the Policy Matters Blog with a commentary on Bias, Fairness, and Discrimination in the context of AI, along with discussions on AI policy issues with respect to work and timeframe for AI impact. Another regular column is our AI crosswords from Adi Botea. We have one contributed article from Cameron Hughes and Tracey Hughes on what constitutes the essential ingredients for AI in a world where AI is increasingly pervading in every walk of life. Enjoy!


Publication Details

Date of publication: January 03, 2021

Journal: ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence

Page number(s): 3-4

Volume: 6

Issue Number: 1

Publication Note: Amy McGovern, Iolanda Leite, Anuj Karpatne: Welcome to AI Matters 6(1). AI Matters 6(1): 3-4 (2020)