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Project Success Prediction in Crowdfunding Environments

Chandan Reddy


Crowdfunding has gained widespread attention in recent years. Despite the huge success of crowdfunding platforms, the percentage of projects that succeed in achieving their desired goal amount is only around 40%. Moreover, many of these crowdfunding platforms follow "all-or-nothing" policy which means the pledged amount is collected only if the goal is reached within a certain predefined time duration. Hence, estimating the probability of success for a project is one of the most important research challenges in the crowdfunding domain. To predict the project success, there is a need for new prediction models that can potentially combine the power of both classification (which incorporate both successful and failed projects) and regression (for estimating the time for success). In this paper, we formulate the project success prediction as a survival analysis problem and apply the censored regression approach where one can perform regression in the presence of partial information. We rigorously study the project success time distribution of crowdfunding data and show that the logistic and log-logistic distributions are a natural choice for learning from such data. We investigate various censored regression models using comprehensive data of 18K Kickstarter (a popular crowdfunding platform) projects and 116K corresponding tweets collected from Twitter. We show that the models that take complete advantage of both the successful and failed projects during the training phase will perform significantly better at predicting the success of future projects compared to the ones that only use the successful projects. We provide a rigorous evaluation on many sets of relevant features and show that adding few temporal features that are obtained at the project's early stages can dramatically improve the performance.


Publication Details

Date of publication: February 21, 2016

Conference: ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining

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