Uncertainty-Aware Cross-Lingual Transfer with Pseudo Partial Labels
Shuo Lei, Xuchao Zhang, Jianfeng He, Fanglan Chen
Large-scale multilingual pre-trained language models have achieved remarkable performance in zero-shot cross-lingual tasks. A recent study has demonstrated the effectiveness of self-learning-based approach on cross-lingual transfer, where only unlabeled data of target languages are required, without any efforts to annotate gold labels for target languages. However, it suffers from noisy training due to the incorrectly pseudo-labeled samples. In this work, we propose an uncertainty-aware Cross-Lingual Transfer framework with Pseudo-Partial-Label (CLTP)1 to maximize the utilization of unlabeled data by reducing the noise introduced in the training phase. To estimate pseudo-partial-label for each unlabeled data, we propose a novel estimation method, considering both prediction confidence and the limitation to the number of similar labels. Extensive experiments are conducted on two cross-lingual tasks, including Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Natural Language Inference (NLI) across 40 languages, which shows our method can outperform the baselines on both high-resource and low-resource languages, such as 6.9 on Kazakh (kk) and 5.2 Marathi (mr) for NER.
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Publication Details
Date of publication: July 09, 2022
Conference: Association for Computational Linguistics
Page number(s): 1987-1997
Issue Number:
Publication Note: Shuo Lei, Xuchao Zhang, Jianfeng He, Fanglan Chen, Chang-Tien Lu: Uncertainty-Aware Cross-Lingual Transfer with Pseudo Partial Labels. NAACL-HLT (Findings) 2022: 1987-1997