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Smooth, Efficient, and Interruptible Zooming and Panning

Chris North


This paper introduces a novel technique for smooth and efficient zooming and panning based on dynamical systems in hyperbolic space. Unlike the technique of van Wijk and Nuij, the animations produced by our technique are smooth at the endpoints and when interrupted by a change of target. To analyze the results of our technique, we introduce world/screen diagrams, a novel technique for visualizing zooming and panning animations.


Publication Details

Date of publication: January 30, 2018

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Page number(s): 1421-1434

Volume: 25

Issue Number: 2

Publication Note: Andrew McCaleb Reach, Chris North: Smooth, Efficient, and Interruptible Zooming and Panning. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 25(2): 1421-1434 (2019)