Class of 2024: Andreea Sistrunk graduates with a Ph.D., a life lesson, and a motto to live by
May 7, 2024

Andreea Sistrunk’s motto, “A best solution to everything is up to us to uncover,” evolved on her path to earning a Ph.D. in computer science at Virginia Tech’s Northern Virginia campus.
“In the beginning, I found myself overwhelmed and at times discouraged by how fast technology is advancing,” she said. “As hard as I was trying, I could not get the data I needed for my work.”
Sistrunk’s research for her dissertation is at the intersection of computer science, education policy, and geographical information systems and related to Redistrict , an online software platform built by a team of researchers at the Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics to help school districts with their rezoning efforts.
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