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During an earlier trip to Johannesburg, Davon Woodard explored one of the city's most popular gathering places, the Neighbourgoods Market.[/caption]

Davon Woodard

will spend the 2019 Fall academic semester as a visiting scholar at the

University of the Witswatersrand

in Johannesburg, South Africa. There, the Ph.D. student in the planning, governance, and globalization program in the

School of Public and International Affairs

and a research trainee in the National Science Foundation-sponsored

Urban Computing (UrbComp) Certificate program

administered through the

Discovery Analytics Center

, will conduct the first phase of research for his dissertation. He is comparing both online and offline social networks in two historically marginalized black communities — Johannesburg and Bronzeville in Chicago, Illinois — to get a better understanding of their structure, practices, and effects.  Click


to read more about Davon's research on social networks.