DAC faculty and students share research, organize workshop at 2018 IEEE VIS Conference in Berlin
October 11, 2018

, associate director of the
Discovery Analytics Center, and Ph.D. students
Michelle Dowlingand
John Wenskovitchwill be in Berlin, Germany, from Oct. 21 to 26, attending the
2018 IEEE VIS Conference. In addition to presenting their research, the three are organizers of a conference workshop:
Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics.
IEEE VIS is the worldwide largest and most important conference on Scientific Visualization, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics. It is the premier forum for advances in visualization in academia, science, government, industry, and beyond. Dowling, who is also a National Science Foundation research trainee in the
Urban Computing Certificate program, will present
SIRIUS: Dual, Symmetric, Interactive Dimension Reductions, which she coauthored with Wenskovitch, DAC Ph.D. student
J.T. Fry, and DAC faculty
Leanna House,
Scotland Leman, and North. Wenskovitch will present the second accepted DAC paper,
The Effect of Semantic Interaction on Foraging in Text Analysis, which he coauthored with DAC Ph.D. student Lauren Bradel, Dowling, House, and North. The workshop taking place on Oct. 22 has been designed to bring together researchers from across all VIS fields to share their expertise and generate an open discussion about what is currently learned from user interaction and where future research in this area can go.