Newsweek profiles DAC's EMBERS project
March 7, 2015

One of the many protests against the 2014 World Cup in Sao Paulo, May 15, 2014.
Newsweek profiles the Discovery Analytics Center's EMBERS Project, which is funded by IARPA. EMBERS offers a glimpse into just how much "big data" has changed the game by magnifying the U.S. intelligence community’s ability to forecast—with phenomenal accuracy—human behavior on a global scale by scouring Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Tor, Facebook and more. EMBERS is using algorithms and a variety of advanced tools to sort through dense and complex information for patterns in the chaos—patterns that frequently point to events before they happen, such as civil uprisings, disease outbreaks, humanitarian crises, mass migrations, protests, riots, political routs, even violence. Click here to read more .