Saurabh Chakravarty
Saurabh Chakravarty was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science. He was advised by Edward Fox.
Chakravarty’s focus is in the area of Text analytics that relates to comprehending the information contained in a text and processing/summarizing/classifying it for other downstream tasks or use cases.
Saurabh Chakravarty, Maanav Mehrotra, Edward Fox
In Proceedings of the JSAI International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, (pp 179-195), 06/2021
Citatations: BibTeX
Saurabh Chakravarty, Edward Fox
In Proceedings of the ASAIL with International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, (pp ),
Citatations: BibTeX
Saurabh Chakravarty, Maanav Mehrotra, Edward Fox
In Proceedings of the Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: JURIX, (pp 13-22),
Citatations: BibTeX