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Badhan Das

Badhan Das is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science. Her advisor is Lenwood Heath. Das’ research includes computational biology and bioinformatics, genomics, algorithms, and graph theory.  She is interested in trying to solve open questions in bioinformatics computationally.

Data Banzhaf: A Data Valuation Framework with Maximal Robustness to Learning Stochasticity

QEKD: Query-Efficient and Data-Free Knowledge Distillation from Black-box Models

Label-Only Model Inversion Attacks via Boundary Repulsion

CheXRelNet: An Anatomy-Aware Model for Tracking Longitudinal Relationships between Chest X-Rays

Adversarial Contrastive Learning by Permuting Cluster Assignments

[Data] Quality Lies In The Eyes Of The Beholder

Xavier Pleimling, Vedant Shah, Ismini Lourentzou:[Data] Quality Lies In The Eyes Of The Beholder. PETRA 2022: 118-124

Toward a general unsupervised novelty detection framework in structural health monitoring

Improve Event Extraction via Self-Training with Gradient Guidance

End-to-End Multimodal Fact-Checking and Explanation Generation: A Challenging Dataset and Models