Understanding Patterns and Mood Changes through Tweets about Disasters
Liuqing Li, Edward Fox
We analyzed a sample of large tweet collections gathered since 2011, to expand understanding about tweeting patterns and emotional responses of different types of tweeters regarding disasters. We selected three examples for each of four disaster types: school shooting, bombing, earthquake, and hurricane. For each collection, we deployed our novel model TwiRole for user classification, and an existing deep learning model for mood detection. We found differences in the daily tweet count patterns, between the different types of events. Likewise, there were different average scores and patterns of moods (fear, sadness, surprise), both between types of events, and between events of the same type. Further, regarding surprise and fear, there were differences among roles of tweeters. These results suggest the value of further exploration as well as hypothesis testing with our hundreds of event and trend related tweet collections, considering indications in those that reflect emotional responses to disasters.
Liuqing Li, Edward A. Fox: Understanding patterns and mood changes through tweets about disasters. ISCRAM 2019
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