Lifu Huang


Knowledge Graph (KG) and attention mechanism have been demonstrated effective in introducing and selecting useful information for weakly supervised methods. However, only qualitative analysis and ablation study are provided as evidence. In this paper, we contribute a dataset and propose a paradigm to quantitatively evaluate the effect of attention and KG on bag-level relation extraction (RE). We find that (1) higher attention accuracy may lead to worse performance as it may harm the model's ability to extract entity mention features; (2) the performance of attention is largely influenced by various noise distribution patterns, which is closely related to real-world datasets; (3) KG-enhanced attention indeed improves RE performance, while not through enhanced attention but by incorporating entity prior; and (4) attention mechanism may exacerbate the issue of insufficient training data. Based on these findings, we show that a straightforward variant of RE model can achieve significant improvements (6% AUC on average) on two real-world datasets as compared with three state-of-the-art baselines.


Lifu Huang

Publication Details

Date of publication:
July 26, 2021
Cornell University
Publication note:

Zikun Hu, Yixin Cao, Lifu Huang, Tat-Seng Chua: How Knowledge Graph and Attention Help? A Quantitative Analysis into Bag-level Relation Extraction. CoRR abs/2107.12064 (2021)