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Sijia Wang

Sijia Wang is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  Her advisor is Lifu Huang. Wang’s current research focus is on natural language processing and machine learning. She is working on information extraction using prompt-based methods with full or limited supervision.

Selective Differential Privacy for Language Modeling

How Knowledge Graph and Attention Help? A Quantitative Analysis into Bag-level Relation Extraction

A Data-Driven Approach to Full-Field Damage and Failure Pattern Prediction in Microstructure-Dependent Composites using Deep Learning

Learning Physics-guided Neural Networks with Competing Physics Loss: A Summary of Results in Solving Eigenvalue Problems

Mohannad Elhamod, Jie Bu, Christopher Singh, Matthew Redell, Abantika Ghosh, Viktor Podolskiy, Wei-Cheng Lee, Anuj Karpatne: Learning Physics-guided Neural Networks with Competing Physics Loss: A Summary of Results in Solving Eigenvalue Problems. AAAI Spring Symposium: MLPS 2021

Welcome to AI Matters 7(2)

Pose with Style: Detail-Preserving Pose-Guided Image Synthesis with Conditional StyleGAN

Hybrid Neural Fusion for Full-frame Video Stabilization

Interpolation of sparse high-dimensional data

Automated Feature-Topic Pairing: Aligning Semantic and Embedding Spaces in Spatial Representation Learning