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Bijaya Adhikari

Bijaya Adhikari was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science. His advisor was B. Aditya Prakash. Adhikari’s core research focuses on graph mining and topics relating to social network analysis, such as community detection, immunization, influence maximization, and information. His interests also lie in machine learning, theoretical computer science, and algorithms.

Mitch Wagner

Mitch Wagner was a master’s student in the Department of Computer Science. His research interests are in visual analytics and he worked at the InfoVis Lab.  Wagner’s advisor was Chris North.

Kasey Johnson

Kasey Johnson was a master’s student in the Department of Computer Science.  She worked at the InfoVis Lab and her advisor was Chris North.  Johnson’s research interests are in visual analytics.

Taoran Ji

Taoran Ji was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  He worked at the Spatial Data Management Lab and his advisor was Chang-Tien Lu.  His research interests include natural language processing, text mining, and machine learning.  Ji worked on the EMBERS project and does data analysis on Middle East and North Africa region Twitter […]

Yao Zhang

Yao Zhang was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  His advisor was  B. Aditya Prakash.  His research interests are in data mining and social network analysis with emphasis on understanding and managing information diffusion in networks. Currently, he is focusing on topics that include controlling world-of-mouth adoption-style propagation on large networks; summarizing […]

Kaiqun Fu

Kaiqun Fu was a Ph. D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  His advisor was Chang-Tien Lu.   Fu worked at the Spatial Mining Lab. He also worked closely with the District of Columbia Department of Transportation on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and smart city projects. Fu’s research interests are spatial data mining, machine […]

Lei Zhang

Lei Zhang was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  His advisor was Chang-Tien Lu.  Zhang worked at the Spatial Data Management Lab and has a broad interest in data mining, natural language processing, text mining, and the applications using these techniques. Currently, Zhang is trying to discover more insights about the censorship […]

Wei Wang

Wei Wang is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  He works at the Spatial Data Management Lab and his advisor is Chang-Tien Lu.  His research interests include machine learning, data mining, and social media analytics. Wang’s current focus is on the detection, tracking, and prediction of all kinds of events as well […]

Weisheng Zhong

Weisheng Zhong was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  His advisor was Chang-Tien Lu.  He worked at the Spatial Data Management Lab and his research focused on  social media information retrieval and traffic event analysis.   Zhong’s  interests are in detecting drunk driving on Twitter; geocoding traffic event related Tweets at point level; […]

Zhiqian Chen

Zhiqian Chen was a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science.  His advisor was Chang-Tien Lu.   Chen worked at the Spatial Data Management Lab and his research interests include data mining, deep learning, and artificial intelligence.