Anuj Karpatne 


Welcome to the second issue of this year's AI Matters Newsletter.
We start with a report on upcoming SIGAI Events by Dilini Samarasinghe and Conference reports by Louise Dennis, our conference coordination officer. In our regular Education column, Carolyn Rosé discusses the role of AI in education in a post-pandemic reality. We then bring you our regular Policy column, where Larry Medsker covers interesting and timely discussions on AI policy, for example whether governments should play a role in reducing algorithmic bias. This issue closes with an article contribution from Li Dong, one of the runner-ups in the latest AAIS/SIGAI dissertation award, on the use neural models to build natural language interfaces.


Anuj Karpatne 

Publication Details

Date of publication:
August 24, 2021
Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
Page number(s):
Issue Number:
Publication note:

Lolanda Leite, Anuj Karpatne: Welcome to AI Matters 7(2). AI Matters 7(2): 3-4 (2021)