Anuj Karpatne 


Welcome to the last issue of this year's AI Matters Newsletter!
We start with a report on upcoming SIGAI Events and Conference reports by Louise Dennis, our conference coordination officer. In our regular Education column, Todd Neller introduces the next AAAI/EAAI-2022 mentored undergraduate research challenge: AI-Assisted Game Design (AIAGD). We then bring you our regular Policy column, where Larry Medsker covers ongoing discussions on AI policy, this time with a special focus on Europe and the US. Finally, we close with two article contributions. The first article is by our former co-editor in chief Amy McGovern, about a newly established NSF-funded AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography that she now directs. The second paper discusses the very timely topic of ways that AI can aid students in post-secondary education.


Anuj Karpatne 

Publication Details

Date of publication:
February 10, 2021
Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
Page number(s):
Issue Number:
Publication note:

Iolanda Leite, Anuj Karpatne: Welcome to AI matters 6(3). AI Matters 6(3): 3-4 (2020)