Anuj Karpatne 


Welcome to the second issue of the sixth volume of the AI Matters Newsletter. We open with the annual report of SIGAI by our new leadership team. We then bring you a brief report on upcoming SIGAI Events and Conference Reports by Louise Dennis, our new conference coordination officer. In our regular Education column, Todd Neller presents a retrospective of an initiative for mentoring undergraduate research in AI that has been going on since 2014. In the Policy column, Larry Medsker covers ongoing discussions on AI policy issues, for example with respect to ethical implications on Facial Recognition software and surveillance technologies to track the coronavirus pandemic. We end the issue with our regular column on AI generated crosswords from Adi Botea.


Anuj Karpatne 

Publication Details

Date of publication:
January 4, 2021
Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
Page number(s):
Issue Number:
Publication note:

Lolanda Leite, Anuj Karpatne: Welcome to AI matters 6(2). AI Matters 6(2): 3-4 (2020)